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Atavism X (10.0.0) – Date of release 28.09.2019

New Features
  • Admin Panel: Added up to 5 mob templates and 5 alternative mob templates spawned randomly for each spawner.
  • Chat: Added option to log chat messages in the database or in the log file. It’s handled using two additional parameters:
    • CHAT_LOG_DB – defines if the chat should be logged into the admin database in the chat_logs table. – Boolean – Default: false
    • CHAT_LOG_FILE – defines if the chat should be logged into the log file which will reside in the logs directory. – Boolean – Default: false
      This will gather information like:
    • World – World for which this message was sent
    • Date – Date of the message
    • Message – Message text
    • Source – Source player
    • Target – Target player
    • Channel – Channel on which the message was sent
  • Coordinated Effects: Added new events which can be handled in the animation controller:
    • Dodged
    • Evaded
    • Paried
    • Critic
  • Licensing: One license for unlimited servers.

  • Licensing: CCU changes.

  • Mobs: Added skinning per mob basis:
    • Skinning Skill – Skill required for skinning the mob
    • Skinning Level Max – Maximum skill level which can be reached by skinning the mob.
    • Skinning Skill Exp – Experience gained to the skill by skinning the mob
    • Skinning Weapon Req – Required weapon for skinning the mob
      And removed global parameters:
  • Server: Added additional functional servers:
    • Chat
    • Weather
    • Faction
    • Quest
  • Server: Added option to multiply servers:
    • Proxy
    • World Manager
    • Combat
    • Mobs

  • Server: Added speed checks, to prevent speed hack usage (for example by Cheat Engine). If player will be caught on using such, and Atavism will register the defined number of samples (by default 10, and it’s configurable in the with parameter ProxyPlugin.SpeedhackCountToDisconect) for such behavior, the player will receive message defined in the with parameter ProxyPlugin.SpeedhackChatMsg (by default “Detected Speedhack”), will be kicked from the server, and entry with value “SPEEDHACK” will be registered in data_logs table in the admin database.
  • UI: Added option to bind keys in-game.

Changes to existing features

  • Admin Panel: Added option in the spawner to set respawn as a range of values instead of one.
  • Atavism Editor: Removed obsolete skinning parameters (SKINNING_SKILL_ID and SKINNING_WEAPON_REQ).
  • Atavism Manager: Added database credentials check during Atavism server installation in Atavism Windows Manager.
  • Auction House: Adjusted Auction House UI for easier currency change.
  • Auction House: Added check if the item is in the auctions during delete action in Atavism Editor.
  • Auction House: Modified auction prices from integer to long, to properly handle much higher prices.
  • Auction House: Added maximum currency set in the UI for auctions to the maximum currency defined for the currency in the Atavism Editor.
  • Chat: Added /clearChat command which is clearing the current chat window.
  • Chat: Added option which will clear chat after relog.
  • Crafting: Added showAllKnownSkills parameter in the Scripts game object Crafting component (Login Scene) which will show skills even they won’t have any recipes learned.
  • Effects: Added Morph Effect for Dispel Type in the Atavism Editor, which will dispel the morph effect.
  • Guilds: Added timestamps for guilds related data in the database.
  • Instances: Modified Single Player Private Instances so they would be closed and removed from the server if there is no player in them.
  • Instances: Modified World Instances so they would be closed if there are no players in them (except the first one).
  • Items: Modified Equipment Display script to have the ability to assign model text instead of text, due to issues with the new Unity Prefab System.
  • Items: Added Fashion slot functionality for UMA, which is overriding other slots to present outfit/fashion on top.
  • Items: Added additional slots:
    • SHIRT
    • WAIST
    • NECK
    • SLOT1…20
  • Mail System: Added prevention from sending message to yourself in-game, except you have admin privileges.
  • Mail System: Added history_character_mail table along with trigger which will automatically move archived messages from character_mail table.
  • Performance: Improved demo version performance by reducing the number of triangles by 70% for Character Selection and Main World scenes.
  • Regions: Modified region save action, so it would take also object scale into account and not only the collider scale.
  • Resource Nodes: Modified resource node where the loot was randomized on spawn while now it’s during gathering task is completed.
  • Resource Nodes: Modified resource node where each gathering task increased skill or gave skill experience and it was possible to not take randomized resources and repeat gathering, while now it’s only possible when resources to drop are randomized after new gathering task.
  • Scripts: Modified Initial Setup for Unity to use .NET 4.x by default.
  • Server: Tuned databases, and significantly improved their performance by adding proper indexes and reducing full table scans.
  • Server: Added connection re-initialization if connection pool is null.
  • Server: Modified movement_speed parameter checks to take more variables into account.
  • Server: Adjusted building database queries code, to work with the MySQL 8 connector library.
  • Server: Improved speed of character creation in world manager server by up to 200x, depending on the server load.
  • Server: Improved movement speed requests by world manager server to the combat server. Right now world manager server has its own movement speed parameter for entities updated using push method by combat server each time the movement speed changes. This not only significantly reduces the number of requests but also time, and combat and world manager CPU usage.
  • Server: Improved interpolation precision for players.
  • Server: Added missing display name, experience and experience per level for all mobs.
  • UI: Added global font parameter in the Atavism Settings (Login Scene) for players, mobs names.
  • UI: Added option to define text or icon above NPCs for Bank, Quests, etc.
  • UI: Added counters how long the cooldown will last.
  • UI: Modified UGUISkillText to TextMesh Pro.
  • UMA: Adjusted T-Pose for default UMA Human character.
  • UMA: Handled exception wherein the Character Selection defined for UMA normal model wasn’t presented.
  • UMA: Added support for UMA 2.9.


  • Abilities: Fixed Req Facing Target and Angle for abilities, where angles were incorrectly managed.
  • Abilities: Fixed issue where ability reagent was set to true by default on the server, and it was always consumed.
  • Abilities: Fixed issue where abilities didn’t work properly with the required weapon attached in off-hand, even with equipped weapon.
  • Arena: Fixed issue where two characters were in a group and entered arena after they left arena they remained in the group.
  • Atavism Editor: Fixed issue where duplicate ability didn’t work properly.
  • Atavism Editor: Fixed issue where duplicate effect didn’t work properly.
  • Atavism Editor: Fixed generate prefabs option for item sets in Atavism Editor.
  • Atavism Editor: Fixed issue for building object missing icon parameter in Atavism Editor.
  • Atavism Editor: Fixed issue where quest list wasn’t refreshed after a new quest was created.
  • Atavism Manager: Fixed issue in handling path with spaces in the Atavism Windows Manager.
  • Auction House: Fixed issue where a player could add currency using auction due to Integer maximum value and counter reset if the price was extremely high.
  • Auction House: Fixed issue where auctions were not loaded when they were on a separate server, as parameter AUCTION_LOAD_DELAY was incorrectly handled.
  • Auction House: Fixed issue where auction house treated currency always as the smallest in a group and didn’t take another group currency set on an item into account.
  • Chat: Fixed issue where the same message was presented multiple times on a chat.
  • Chat: Fixed message where the effect was cast on another entity as it said: “You gained…”.
  • Chat: Fixed incorrect message on chat, where a player was gained mana, message said: “You healed by…”.
  • Chat: Fixed periodically occurred empty lines on combat chat.
  • Chat: Fixed issue where it wasn’t possible to send a whisper to a character with spaces in the name. Now it requires to put the name in the quotation marks.
  • Combat: Fixed issue where for PvP region pet was taken as an independent entity which led to a situation where the player was not in the region and couldn’t attack another player in the region, while the pet was in the region and he could be still in combat, and attack other players.
  • Combat: Fixed incorrectly assigned parameter HIT_CHANCE_PERCENTAGE_PER_DIFF_LEVEL to HIT_CHANCE_POINT_PER_PERCENTAGE.
  • Coordinated Effects: Fixed issue where the target was set as Friendly in the Ability and player was casting it on himself then Particle Object attached to the Coord Particle Effect was spawned incorrectly in 0,0,0.
  • Crafting: Fixed issue where if a coordinated effect was attached on a crafting station, during crafting multiple items in batch the effect occurred only once at the beginning.
  • Crafting: Fixed issue where for crafting book functionality if the player didn’t have any recipes, and learned it during the window was open it thrown an exception.
  • Dialogues: Fixed issue where for dialogues was displayed NPC name instead of the new display name parameter.
  • Effects: Fixed issue where if player reloged while mounted the stat effect attached to the mount effect was not taken into account.
  • Effects: Fixed issue where hitroll for MagicalDotEffect was hardcoded and set to 100.
  • Effects: Fixed issue with effects counter where if the effect was set to last 10 minutes, and if for example, 5 minutes left, after relog effect was presented as 10 minutes. It was disabled on the server after proper time 5 minutes, but the counter was incorrectly set on the client.
  • Effects: Fixed SPIRIT_EFFECT parameter which didn’t work properly.
  • Effects: Fixed issue where the character was in spirit mode and the server was restarted, then effect staid on the character while spirit effect was removed.
  • Instances: Fixed error log which occurred when after instance change item was dropped by a player.
  • Instances: Fixed warning where after instance change player died and clicked release.
  • Items: Fixed issue where in some specific case it was possible to duplicate a bag.
  • Items: Fixed issue where in some specific case it was possible to duplicate an item.
  • Items: Fixed issue where the backpack was full, and character had equipped two weapons in main-hand and off-hand, and equipped two-hand from the backpack, it was replaced in off-hand while main-hand remained due to full backpack.
  • Items: Fixed issue related to split the same item with a very short time interval.
  • Mail System: Fixed issue where a player could duplicate item using the mailing system.
  • Pathfinding: Fixed issue where mob with assigned patrol path moved from the last point to the first one without using navmesh.
  • Quests: Fixed issue when a player that has a quest for killing some mob will kill it instantly by left mouse click or tab target then it won’t be taken into account for the quest.
  • Resource Nodes: Fixed issue where with full backpack gathered resources from resource node were destroyed when they were clicked in the resource node window.
  • Scripts: Fixed Soft Targeting exception for on mouse-over action where a targeted object is in the targetable layer.
  • Scripts: Handled exception where there was an empty entry for Asset Bundles list in the Login Scene, then Asset Bundles weren’t loaded at all.
  • Scripts: Fixed issue where a player tried to teleport while he was mounted.
  • Scripts: Fixed issue with .NET 4.x, where it was causing freezing Unity Editor due to UDP connection, wasn’t closed properly because of Unity Domain refreshing.
  • Scripts: Added workaround for Unity issue which wasn’t fixed yet, where Unity Editor is using local decimal separators instead dots (
  • Server: Fixed issue where last minute of player progress could be lost due to high value of parameter PLAYER_SILENCE_TIMEOUT which was set on 30 seconds because save was initiated after this parameter value in seconds. It could occur only if a player was reloged within that PLAYER_SILENCE_TIMEOUT time.
  • Server: Added missing NEED ADVERT – Add MessageType[‘inventory.REMOVE_SPECIFIC_ITEM’, 519] to mobserver-ads.txt.
  • Server: Fixed issue where REPAIR_RATE was set as sellFactor and not repairFactor variable.
  • Skills: Fixed SKILL_FOURTH_STAT_GAIN_INCREMENT parameter as it wasn’t taken into account.
  • UI: Fixed issue where if there was only one sleep effect cast on the enemy it wasn’t presented in effects.
  • UI: Fixed color list for item qualities, because the list was counted from 1, while definitions were from 0.
  • UI: Fixed issue where if any skill didn’t have at least one ability attached, then an error occurred and broke UI refreshing.
  • UI: Fixed tooltip where result item from crafting was also another recipe.
  • UI: Fixed issue with effect border which was set from the last hovered element, now it’s taken from the quality color array.
  • UI: Fixed quest tracking preview which during the first activation was overlapping on timer UI.
  • UI: Fixed quest tracking issue where a player had more than one quest on the list, and after relog, the list was cleared and only one quest remained on it.
  • UI: Fixed quest tracking issue where the list wasn’t cleared if player reloged to another character which has empty tracking quest list. Right now the list is per character.
  • UI: Fixed issue where the tooltip for a recipe was showing “=” character even there wasn’t any item equipped.
  • UMA: Fixed issue where DNA wasn’t properly applied for the first entry into the character creation scene.

Known Issues

  • You can log in to Your account multiple times and login multiple characters if you will only stop on the character selection screen and then you will log in again in another copy of the game.
  • In the arena 1 vs 1, if one person will restart the game and log in again, the second player will be dropped from the arena as a winner, the other logged character will be “stuck” in the instance of the arena, but there will be no longer treated as a typical arena.
  • When in crafting definition there is no “Must Match Layout” option checked and for example the same material is used for two slots with the same count, then if that material will be added into crafting grid in one slot it will show result item and craft button available, but server will response that there are no sufficient items. It’s related to that server is checking what are requirements for an item in each slot for the recipe and if that amount is in the crafting grid.
  • When an item reward and in item choice reward is the same then item count for that item is overridden.

Fresh installation of Atavism X (10.0.0)

In order to install Atavism you can choose one of three types of installation:

1. Using premade Virtual Machine which is Atavism ready environment by following Atavism Virtual Machine Installation process.

2. Using detailed instruction on what environment requirements should be met in order to install Atavism on your dedicated server.

3. Using the installation tutorial with our new Atavism Windows Manager for Windows Environment.

Then you should adjust your Unity project to work best with Atavism

If you are going to use UMA in your project you can follow UMA installation step by step.

it is also recommended to refresh lighting and Asset Bundles because both are related to specific Unity version. In order to rebuild your Asset Bundles (Bomber Bug is using them), you should head into the top menu in Unity Editor and chose Assets->Atavism Build AssetBundles (it will rebuild your asset bundles and then you should navigate to your project directory and copy file infinitypbr from project_directoryAssetBundles to project_directoryAssetsStreamingAssets.


Updating to Atavism X (10.0.0)

Updating from Atavism 2019.1.2 to Atavism 10.0.0 is not complicated due to many changes mostly in the server-side and database structure and data. Follow the instructions below to update your existing server.

It is highly recommended you create a backup of both your server, client, and databases before proceeding in case something goes wrong during the process.

Update using our Virtual Machine Installation

Step 1: Login to your Virtual Machine using Winscp client and remove atavism_server*.zip file first and then atavism_server directory completely

Step 2: Follow instructions like you would do the first installation but with option Update Current Atavism depending on your installation (Core or with Demo Data)

Warning: Make a Unity project backup. Importing the prefabs may break any customizations you had previously made to Your ones.

Step 3: Because with Unity 2019.2 support for .NET 3.5 was abandoned Atavism X will use .NET 4.x as the default one. You will have to remove duplicated dll libraries (In most cases this step will be automatically processed)

  • System.Data
  • System.Drawing
  • System.Threading

Step 4: Import Atavism Unity Package, Replace Files

Import the AtavismUnity_10.0.0_{Core|Demo}.unitypackage depending on which installation you did before. It is recommended to replace all files as almost all were changed in some way.

Step 5: Update UMA (if you use it)

We did some changes to the Atavism UMA package, so you should also import AtavismUnity_10.0.0_Uma.unitypackage which is available in the apanel.

Also, you need to add new recipes, and slots to the UMA global library, like on the screenshot below. To open this window click UMA -> Global Library Window from the top menu

Step 6: Update the UI Canvas

This procedure depends on how you modified your canvas. If it’s default then just open AtavismBlankMainWorld scene and replace all components within your world scene, and repeat this procedure for the CharacterSelection scene.

Step 7: Regenerate all prefabs in the project

To regenerate prefabs in the project open Atavism Editor and in the edit tab of the following modules click Generate Prefabs button:

  • Items
  • Effects
  • Abilities
  • Skills
  • Currencies
  • Build Object
  • Crafting Recipes

Step 8: Open Atavism Editor and save all abilities prefabs one by one. This process cannot be automated, as Atavism Editor is checking many constraints now, to prevent from mistakes in the configuration, and this process will ensure that data presented are consistent with data saved in the database.

Step 9: Wipe your characters or at least accounts (This is optional as we changed dynamic faction for NPCs)

Update using Custom Linux Installation

Step 1: Replace Server Files

Copy over all server files and adjust them as you did before with previous Atavism version. Because server-side scripts and configuration files were changed, we recommend you to put a fresh copy of Atavism 10.0.0 server files.

Step 2: Update the Databases

Scripts to update your 2019.1.2 databases to Ataivsm X (10.0.0.) are in your Atavism Server package. There are two types of scripts, structure and data for both types of installations (Core and with Demo Data), you should use the proper ones depending on your previous installation method. In order to update the database, first you have to update structure, then data. The script file for structure update :

  • sql/updates/From_Atavism2019.1.2/{Core|Demo}/Structure/admin.sql
  • sql/updates/From_Atavism2019.1.2/{Core|Demo}/Structure/atavism.sql
  • sql/updates/From_Atavism2019.1.2/{Core|Demo}/Structure/world_content.sql
  • sql/updates/From_Atavism2019.1.2/{Core|Demo}/Structure/master.sql

and script files for data update :

  • sql/updates/From_Atavism2019.1.2/{Core|Demo}/Data/world_content.sql
  • sql/updates/From_Atavism2019.1.2/{Core|Demo}/Data/admin.sql
  • sql/updates/From_Atavism2019.1.2/{Core|Demo}/Data/atavism.sql

If you have renamed any of your databases from the default names (admin, atavism, master, world_content) make sure you have proper names in “use” clause at the beginning of each script.

Important note: Each time you are updating your database or files make a backup to have a copy of your work

Step 3: Import Atavism Unity Package, Replace Files

Import the AtavismUnity_10.0.0_{Core|Demo}.unitypackage depending on which installation you did before. It is recommended to replace all files as almost all were changed in some way.

Step 4: Because with Unity 2019.2 support for .NET 3.5 was abandoned Atavism X will use .NET 4.x as the default one. You will have to remove duplicated dll libraries (In most cases this step will be automatically processed)

  • System.Data
  • System.Drawing
  • System.Threading

Step 5: Update UMA (if you use it)

We did some changes to the Atavism UMA package, so you should also import AtavismUnity_10.0.0_Uma.unitypackage which is available in the apanel.

Also, you need to add new recipes, and slots to the UMA global library, like on the screenshot below. To open this window click UMA -> Global Library Window from the top menu

Step 6: Update the UI Canvas

This procedure depends on how you modified your canvas. If it’s default then just open AtavismBlankMainWorld scene and replace all components within your world scene, and repeat this procedure for the CharacterSelection scene.

Step 7: Regenerate all prefabs in the project

To regenerate prefabs in the project open Atavism Editor and in the edit tab of the following modules click Generate Prefabs button:

  • Items
  • Effects
  • Abilities
  • Skills
  • Currencies
  • Build Object
  • Crafting Recipes

Step 8: Open Atavism Editor and save all abilities prefabs one by one. This process cannot be automated, as Atavism Editor is checking many constraints now, to prevent from mistakes in the configuration, and this process will ensure that data presented are consistent with data saved in the database.

Step 9: Wipe your characters or at least accounts (This is optional as we changed dynamic faction for NPCs)

Update using Atavism Windows Manager Installation

Step 1: Open directory where you installed Atavism Manager (by default in c:\Atavism Manager)

Step 2: Rename atavism_server directory to atavism_server_old or any other name

Step 3: Download Atavism server zip file from apanel

Step 4: Unpack atavism_server*.zip file into your Atavism Manager installation directory

Step 5: Open command line console Windows + r shortcut and type cmd

Step 6: Change directory to your Atavism Manager installation directory by typing command

cd “c:\Atavism Manager\mariadb-5.5.61-win32\bin”

and start the database if it’s not started yet by invoking the command


Step 7: Invoke database update commands where the root is the database user, the test is the password for the database user, following with by the path to the Atavism Manager installation directory. If you are not using our default databases, please adjust these commands.

If you have renamed any of your databases from the default names (admin, atavism, master, world_content) make sure you have proper names in “use” clause at the beginning of each script.

Important note: Each time you are updating your database or files make a backup to have a copy of your work

mysql -u root -ptest admin < “c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism2019.1.2\Demo\Structure\admin.sql”

mysql -u root -ptest atavism < “c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism2019.1.2\Demo\Structure\atavism.sql”

mysql -u root -ptest master < “c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism2019.1.2\Demo\Structure\master.sql”

mysql -u root -ptest world_content < “c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism2019.1.2\Demo\Structure\world_content.sql”

mysql -u root -ptest admin < “c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism2019.1.2\Demo\Data\admin.sql”

mysql -u root -ptest atavism < “c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism2019.1.2\Demo\Data\atavism.sql”

mysql -u root -ptest world_content < “c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism2019.1.2\Demo\Data\world_content.sql”

You can use any third-party tool to handle this process for example with MySQL Workbench or any other database management tool

Step 8: Start Atavism.exe application

Step 9: Fill data according to your previous configuration including database credentials (if you changed them)

Step 10: Import Atavism Unity Package, Replace Files

Import the AtavismUnity_10.0.0_{Core|Demo}.unitypackage depending on which installation you did before. It is recommended to replace all files as almost all were changed in some way.

Step 11: Because with Unity 2019.2 support for .NET 3.5 was abandoned Atavism X will use .NET 4.x as the default one. You will have to remove duplicated dll libraries (In most cases this step will be automatically processed)

  • System.Data
  • System.Drawing
  • System.Threading

Step 12: Update UMA (if you use it)

We did some changes to the Atavism UMA package, so you should also import AtavismUnity_10.0.0_Uma.unitypackage which is available in the apanel.

Also, you need to add new recipes, and slots to the UMA global library, like on the screenshot below. To open this window click UMA -> Global Library Window from the top menu

Step 13: Update the UI Canvas

This procedure depends on how you modified your canvas. If it’s default then just open AtavismBlankMainWorld scene and replace all components within your world scene, and repeat this procedure for the CharacterSelection scene.

Step 14: Regenerate all prefabs in the project

To regenerate prefabs in the project open Atavism Editor and in the edit tab of the following modules click Generate Prefabs button:

  • Items
  • Effects
  • Abilities
  • Skills
  • Currencies
  • Build Object
  • Crafting Recipes

Step 15: Open Atavism Editor and save all abilities prefabs one by one. This process cannot be automated, as Atavism Editor is checking many constraints now, to prevent from mistakes in the configuration, and this process will ensure that data presented are consistent with data saved in the database.

Step 16: Wipe your characters or at least accounts (This is optional as we changed dynamic faction for NPCs)

List of changed files:

New Files (156)

Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_Cuadro_Dev_bluelighCuadros_Dev_nor(1.200,1.200)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.130,0.000.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_Cuadro_Dev_FuxiaCuadros_Dev_nor(1.200,1.200)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),1.000,0.050.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_Cuadro_DevCuadros_Dev_nor(1.200,1.200)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.630,0.630.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_T_Ground_Dirt_Wet_03_A_SmT_Ground_Dirt_Wet_03_N(8.000,8.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_T_Ground_Forest_01_A_SmT_Ground_Forest_01_N(8.000,8.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_T_Ground_Forest_Dirt_01_A_SmT_Ground_Forest_Dirt_01_N(4.000,4.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_T_Ground_Forest_Pebbles_Path_01_A_SmT_Ground_Forest_Pebbles_Path_01_N(4.000,4.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_T_Ground_Grass_01_4_A_SmT_Ground_Grass_01_N(4.000,4.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_T_Ground_Rock_04_A_SmT_Ground_Rock_04_N(10.000,10.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_T_Ground_Rocks_02_A_SmT_Ground_Rocks_02_N(10.000,10.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\_TerrainAutoUpgrade\layer_T_Ground_Sand_02_A_SmT_Ground_Sand_02_N(6.000,6.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer
Atavism demo\Blacksmith\Models\Blacksmith_building_Optimized.prefab
Atavism demo\Blacksmith\Models\Fireplace.prefab
Atavism demo\Blacksmith\Prefabs\PvPArena.prefab
Atavism demo\NatureManufacture Assets\Dynamic Nature – Mountain Tree Pack\Prefabs\TreeAnimator.controller
Atavism demo\NatureManufacture Assets\Dynamic Nature – Mountain Tree Pack\Prefabs\TreeFall.anim
Atavism demo\NatureManufacture Assets\Dynamic Nature – Mountain Tree Pack\Prefabs\TreeFallRestorePosition.anim
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_Beams_back_wall_int-1292044.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_beams_front_center-1292046.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_Beams_front_ext-1292020.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_Beams_front_int-1292022.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_beams_left_ext-1292024.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_beams_left_int-1292026.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_Beams_right_ext-1292028.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_Beams_right_int-1292030.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_blacksmith_Back_wall_ext-1292032.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_blacksmith_Back_wall_int-1292036.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_blacksmith_dirt_floor-1292066.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_Blacksmith_front_wall_props-1292068.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_blacksmith_Left_wall_int-1292072.asset
Atavism demo\Optimized\mesh_Blacksmith_Right_wall_ext-1292042.asset
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Resources\Content\CraftingRecipes\RecipeCrafting Recipe – Iron Bar.prefab
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Resources\Content\CraftingRecipes\RecipeCrafting Recipe – Necklace.prefab
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Resources\Content\Items\ItemCrafting Recipe – Iron Bar (Blueprint).prefab
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Updated Files (431)

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Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials\M_Fir_Bark_02_Snow.mat
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Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials\Smithy_stump.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials\Wooden_planks_set.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials\wooden_props.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\arc_left_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\Blacksmith_planks_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\blacksmith_stone_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\Bridge_main_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\Bridge_stone_floor_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\house_foundation_snow 2.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\house_foundation_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_barrel_01_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_building_01_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_building_02_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_crane_01_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_crane_02_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_fence_02_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_gate_01_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_gate_02_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_menhir_01_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_plank_01_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_strawroof_01_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_strawroof_cutout_01_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_tower_01_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_tower_02_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\mat_tower_03_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\Well_main_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\Materials Snow\Well_steps_snow.mat
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\pf_torch_stick_02.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_Bridge_02_Bridge_02_arc_left.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_Bridge_02_Bridge_02_arc_right.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_Bridge_02_Bridge_02_floor_left.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_Bridge_02_Bridge_02_floor_right.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_Bridge_02_Bridge_02_main_left.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_Bridge_02_Bridge_02_main_right.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_build_barracks_single_01.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_build_bighouse_01_build_bighouse_01.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_build_bighouse_01_build_bighouse_01_dragonhead_01.prefab
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Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_prop_barrels_02.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_prop_logpile_01.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_prop_shed_01.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_prop_shed_02.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_Well_main.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_Well_steps.prefab
Atavism demo\Models with Materials\prefab_Well_Steps_movable.prefab
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Atavism demo\NatureManufacture Assets\Advanced Rock Pack\Rocks\Prefabs\Clean\prefab_SM_Small_Rock_06.prefab
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Atavism demo\NatureManufacture Assets\Dynamic Nature – Mountain Tree Pack\Prefabs\Fir_02_Small.prefab
Atavism demo\NatureManufacture Assets\Dynamic Nature – Mountain Tree Pack\Prefabs\Fir_03_Medium.prefab
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Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityBrown Horse Mount.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityCooking Skillbook.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityCritical Charge.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityHealth Potion.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityJeweling Skillbook.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityMagic Arrow.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityMagic Bolt.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityMana Potion.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityMetalsmithing Skillbook.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilitySleeping Bolt.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilitySpinning Sword.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityStun Arrow.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilitySummon Bomber Bug Pet Non Combat.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilitySummon Bomber Bug Pet.prefab
Resources\Content\Abilities\AbilityTailoring Skillbook.prefab
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Resources\Content\Items\ItemBomber Bug Pet.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemBomber Bug Tooth.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemBomber Bug Wild.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemBook for Ability 1.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemBow 10001.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemBow 10002.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemBrown Horse Whistle.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemCloth Gloves 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemCloth Gloves 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemCloth Hood 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemCloth Hood 02.prefab
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Resources\Content\Items\ItemCloth Pants 02.prefab
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Resources\Content\Items\ItemCloth Shoes 02.prefab
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Resources\Content\Items\ItemCloth Shoulderplates 02.prefab
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Resources\Content\Items\ItemCloth Tunic 02.prefab
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Resources\Content\Items\ItemCrafting Recipe – Necklace.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemCrafting Recipe – Ring.prefab
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Resources\Content\Items\ItemHealth Potion.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemIron Bar.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemIron Ore.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemItem Recipe 1.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemJeweling Skillbook.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Gloves 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Gloves 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Hood 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Hood 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Jacket 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Jacket 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Pants 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Pants 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Shoes 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Shoes 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Shoulderplates 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemLeather Shoulderplates 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemMana Potion.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemMetalsmithing Skillbook.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPink Star.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Breastplate 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Breastplate 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Gloves 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Gloves 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Greaves 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Greaves 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Helmet 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Helmet 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Shoes 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Shoes 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Shoulderplates 01.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPlate Shoulderplates 02.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemPrincess Wand.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemStaff 10001.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemStaff 10002.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemStarting Quest Item.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemSword 10001.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemSword 10002.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemTailoring Skillbook.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemWooden Stick.prefab
Resources\Content\Items\ItemWoodworking Skillbook.prefab
Resources\Content\Skills\SkillMagic Staff.prefab
Resources\Content\Skills\SkillTwo Handed Sword.prefab
Standard Assets\Atavism Core\Editor\InitialSetup.cs
Standard Assets\Atavism Core\AtavismCore.dll
Standard Assets\Atavism Core\NetworkAPI.cs

Deleted Files (5)

Resources\Content\CoordinatedEffects\HarvestRock test 1.prefab
Resources\Content\CoordinatedEffects\HarvestRock test.prefab

List of changed UMA files:

New Files (2)


Updated Files (10)

UMA\Content\UMA_Core\HumanFemale\RaceData\Legacy\Human Female DCS.asset
UMA\Content\UMA_Core\HumanMale\RaceData\Legacy\Human Male DCS.asset

Deleted Files (0)